Curriculum Vitae
Printable version here.
Education |
PhD. in Math. & Computing Sciences at the Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
(Sep. 2012) |
Master in Distributed Systems at the Universite Pierre & Marie
Curie, Paris, France.
(Sep. 2009) |
Bachelor in Computer Sciences at the Universite Pierre & Marie
Curie, Paris, France.
(Jun. 2006) |
Bachillerato at the French-Nicaraguan School Victor Hugo, Managua,
(Nov. 2001) |
Elementary and Secondary at the Swiss School Refous, Bogota,
(Nov. 2000) |
Work Appointments |
I created the research group MigaLabs that specializes in
blockchain research. I lead the reseach on the distributed systems
aspects of the technology, producing open-source software to
monitor the P2P network and index on-chain data, among others.
I have received multiple grants from the Ethereum Foundation,
Lido, Obol and collaborate with multiple academic institutions
such as Cambridge University, among others.
(May 2023 - Ongoing) |
Part time Senior Researcher at the Codex team working on
decentralized storage networks (DSN). I am also leading together
with my research colleague a research project awarded by the
Ethereum Foundation, to develop the next generation data
availability sampling protocol for the Ethereum Ecosystem.
(May 2022 - Ongoing) |
Research group leader at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona,
Spain. Leading research on memory reliability for low-power
devices and hierarchical memories. Interest on error injection
analysis and approximate computing. Continuous integration and
maintenance of the multilevel checkpoint library FTI.
(Mar. 2016 - Apr. 2022) |
Postdoctoral Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL,
USA. Research in resilience covering silent data corruption
detection through the use of machine learning. Integration of SDC
detectors into a resilience library. Improvement and maintenance
of FTI as a research and production tool.
(Apr. 2013 - Feb. 2016) |
Postdoctoral Appointee at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo,
Japan. Development and evaluation of a library integrating fast
multilevel checkpointing and failure prediction with proactive
checkpointing. Partial parallelization study of an application
simulating the Fukushima power plant accident.
(Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2013) |
Awards and Fellowships |
2016 IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) Award
for Excellence in Scalable Computing for Early Career Researchers.
(December 2016)
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship granted by the European
Commission for the two-years project "DURO : Deep-memory Ubiquity,
Reliability and Optimization". (February 2016)
ACM/IEEE George Michael Memorial High Performance Computing Ph.D.
Fellow at Supercomputing Conference 2011 (SC11), Honorable Mention.
(November 2011)
Special Certificate of Recognition for achieving a perfect score at
the Supercomputing Conference 2011, "FTI : High Performance Fault
Tolerance Interface for Hybrid Systems". (November 2011)
Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Research
Fellowships for Young Scientists (Doctoral Course), from April 2010
until March 2012 (About JPY 3'100,000/year). (April 2010)
First Place Winner in the 1st National High School Speech and
Debate Tournament in Managua, Nicaragua. (May 2001)
Chairmanships and Committees |
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (ICBC'24)
ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'20)
International Conference in Supercomputing (ICS'20)
Field Programmable Logic & Applications (FPL'19)
EuroMPI Conference (EuroMPI'18)
Workshop on Fault-Tolerance Systems (FTS'17)
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster'17)
Journal on Micromachines (Special Issue on Machine Learning for System Diagnosis)
Journal Concurrency and Computation (Special Issue)
Workshop on High Performance Machine Learning (HPML'19) (HPML'20)
Workshop on Dependable and Resilient Many-Core and Exascale
Computing (DRMEC 2019)
ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'17), (SC'19)
ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'21)
ACM Supercomputing Conference (SC'18)
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain'24)
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER'17)
Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant
Storage Systems 2021 (CHEOPS'21)
International Workshop on OpenCL and SYCL (IWOCL-SYCL'21)
IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS'18) (IPDPS'19) (IPDPS'20) (IPDPS'22)
Workshop On Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems (WOPSSS'20)
International Workshop on openCL (IWOCL'17), (IWOCL'18), (IWOCL'19), (IWOCL'20)
Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale (FTXS'13),
(FTXS'14), (FTXS'15), (FTXS'16), (FTXS'17), (FTXS'18), (FTXS'19)
Workshop on Fault-Tolerance Systems (FTS'15), (FTS'16), (FTS'17), (FTS'18)
Colombia Computing Congress (CCC'16), (CCC'17), (CCC'18)
International Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, HPC for
natural and health sciences (IWOBI'18)
Latinamerican Conference on High Performance Computing (CARLA'18) (CARLA'19)
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid
Computing (CCGRID'16), (CCGRID'17)
International Workshop on Resilience and/or Energy-aware techniques
for High-Performance Computing (RE-HPC'16).
Journal of Signal Processing Systems
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
International Journal on Cluster Computing
International Journal on Parallel Computing (PARCO)
International Journal IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems (TPDS)
International Journal Transactions on Architecture and Code
Optimization (TACO), ACM Society
International Journal Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), IEEE
Computer Society
Student Supervision and Mentoring |
PhD Supervisor of Mikel Cortes Goicoechea on his PhD on P2P network
Analysis for next generation Blockchains at Polytechnical University of Catalunya,
(Oct. 2021 - Ongoing) |
PhD Supervisor of Kai Keller on his PhD on Resilience for
Data Assimilation at Extreme Scale at Polytechnical University of Catalunya,
(Oct. 2019 - Ongoing) |
Supervising Marc Perello during his internship on fault tolerance for FPGAs
and adaptation for deep learning frameworks at BSC, Spain.
(Oct. 2019 - Ongoing) |
Mentor of Kevser Ildes during the PRACE Summer of HPC on
lossy techniques for checkpoint/restart at BSC, Spain.
(Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021) |
Mentor of Athanasios Kastoras during the PRACE Summer of HPC on
lossy techniques for checkpoin/restart at BSC, Spain.
(Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021) |
Mentor of Jakub Raczynski during the PRACE Summer of HPC on
distributed model parallelism for deep learning at BSC, Spain.
(Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021) |
Mentor of Mehmet Erciyes during the PRACE Summer of HPC on
distributed model parallelism for deep learning at BSC, Spain.
(Jul. 2021 - Aug. 2021) |
PhD Supervisor of Albert Kahira on his PhD on Resilience for
Machine Learning Workflows at Polytechnical University of Catalunya,
(Nov. 2017 - Jul. 2021) |
Supervising Mikel Cortes Goicoechea (Graduate Student at Pais Vasco
University, during his internship on Blockchain scalability at BSC,
(Aug. 2020 - Jun. 2021) |
Supervising Luca Franceschini (Graduate Student at the Polytechnical
University of Catalunya, during his internship on Blockchain
scalability at BSC, Spain.
(Sep. 2020 - Nov. 2020) |
Supervising Elvis Rojas Ramirez (PhD Student at Instituto de Technologia
de Costa Rica), during his internship on resilience for Deep Learning at
BSC, Spain.
(Jan. 2020 - Mar. 2020) |
Supervising Dr Konstantinos Parasyris during his Postdoc on Resilience for
low-power high-performance accelerators at BSC, Spain.
(Nov. 2018 - Jan. 2020) |
Supervising Pak Markthub (PhD Student at Tokyo Institute of
Technology), during his internship on Streaming GPU Checkpointing
at BSC, Spain.
(May 2018 - Jun. 2018) |
Supervising Dr Oguz Kaya (PostDoctoral Appointee at INRIA), during
his research visit on Approximating Tensors at BSC, Spain.
(May 2018 - Jun. 2018) |
Supervising Max Baird (PhD Student at Heriot-Watt University),
during his internship on Intra-kernel GPU checkpointing at BSC,
(Apr. 2018 - May 2018) |
Supervising Nuria Losada (PhD Student at University A Coruna),
during her internship on Complementing FTI with ABFT techniques at
BSC, Spain.
(Oct. 2017 - Nov. 2017) |
Supervising Maxime Kermarker (Graduate Student), during his
internship on the MPC implementation of FTI at BSC, Spain.
(Jun. 2017 - Jul. 2017) |
Supervising Valentin Lefevre (PhD Student at ENS Lyon), during his
internship on Approximate Computing for Multigrid Methods at BSC,
(Apr. 2017 - May 2017) |
Supervising Rodrigo Arias (Graduate Student), during his internship
on Approximate Computing for Principal Component Analysis at BSC,
(Jan. 2017 - Apr. 2017) |
Supervising Albert Kahira (Graduate Student), during his internship
on Resilience of Neural Networks at BSC, Spain.
(Jul. 2016 - Aug. 2016) |
Supervising Mohamed Gaalich (Graduate Student), during his
internship on Adapting FTI to multiple I/O formats at BSC, Spain.
(Jun. 2016 - Jul. 2016) |
Supervising Omer Subasi (PhD student at Barcelona Supercomputing
Center), during his internship on Evaluating Support Vector
Machines for HPC Resilience at ANL, USA.
(Aug. 2015 - Nov. 2015) |
Supervising Eduardo Berrocal (PhD student at Illinois Institute of
Technology), during his internship on Spatio-temporal Analysis for
Silent Error detection at ANL, USA.
(May 2015 - Aug. 2015) |
Mentoring Javier Iparraguirre during the SC14 Broader Engagement
program at New Orleans, USA.
(Nov. 2014 - Nov. 2014) |
Supervising Eduardo Berrocal (PhD student at Illinois Institute of
Technology), during his internship in Online Data Analytics for
Silent Error detection at ANL, USA.
(May 2014 - Sep. 2014) |
Supervising Adele Villiermet (Graduate Student), during her
internship on Multilevel Checkpointing for Large Scale Application
at CINES, France.
(Jun. 2013 - Aug. 2013) |
Teaching, Tutorials, Summer Schools and Hackathons |
Master course on Data-sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability
(Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Apr. 2024) |
Master course on Data-sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability
(Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Apr. 2023) |
Master course on Sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability
(Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Apr. 2022) |
Master course on Sharding and Proof-of-Stake for Blockchain Scalability
(Eth2) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Apr. 2021) |
Master course on Sharding for Blockchain Scalability (Ethereum
Sharding) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Apr. 2020) |
Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Applications tutorial at
CCGrid'19, Larnaca, Cyprus.
(May 2019) |
Master course on Sharding for Blockchain Scalability (Ethereum
Sharding) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Apr. 2019) |
Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Applications tutorial at
HiPEAC'19, Valencia, Spain.
(Jan. 2019) |
Organizer of the Hackathon on Parallel
Programming, GPU Computing and Software Security at BSC, Barcelona Spain.
(Dec. 2018) |
Postgraduate course on Sharding for Blockchain Scalability
(Ethereum Sharding) at the UPC, Barcelona, Spain.
(Jun. 2018) |
Multilevel Checkpointing for Extreme Scale Applications tutorial at
HiPEAC'18, Manchester, UK.
(Jan. 2018) |
Organizer of the Hackathon on Parallel
Programming, GPU Computing and Software Security at BSC, Barcelona Spain.
(Nov. 2017) |
Multilevel Checkpointing for large scale applications tutorial at
the Resilience Winter School, Calabria, Italy.
(Jan. 2017) |
Organizer of the Hackathon on Parallel
Programming, GPU Computing and Software Security at BSC, Barcelona Spain.
(Oct. 2016) |
Resilience Summer School (Checkpointing and fault tolerance at large
scale) at the 5th JLESC Workshop, Lyon, France.
(Jun. 2016) |
Multilevel checkpointing for large scale applications Tutorial at
CCGrid'2016, Cartagena, Colombia.
(May 2016) |
Multilevel Checkpointing for large scale applications tutorial at
the Mont-Blanc 2 Resilience school at BSC, Barcelona Spain.
(Mar. 2016) |
Instructor of the CS 498 class, (Hot Topics in HPC - Fault
Tolerance and Checkpointing) at UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
(Apr. 2011) |
Private teacher in sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Quemistry) for
high school students, Acadomia, Paris, France.
(May 2007 - Mar. 2009) |
International Mobility and Internships |
Research visit on Deep Learning Scalability
at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (Jul. 2019 - Aug. 2019) |
Research visit on Approximate Computing and Machine Learning
at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018) |
Internship in Erasure Codes (Reed-Solomon) for Cloud
Computing and Distributed Storage at NCSA/UIUC, Urbana,
USA. (Sep. 2011 - Dec. 2011) |
Internship in Reliable Clustering for Petascale Computing,
trade-off between resilience and performance of communications at
LRI, Orsay, France. (Jun. 2011 - Sep. 2011) |
Internship in Scalable Multilevel Checkpointing for HPC
Applications at NCSA/UIUC, Urbana-Chapaign, USA. (Mar. 2011 - Jun. 2011) |
Internship in Diskless Checkpointing for scientific codes
running in Supercomputers at INRIA/Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Tokyo, Japan. (Apr. 2009 - Sep. 2009) |
Internship in 3D-visualization of internet traffic and
internet attacks (i.e., DoS Attacks) at the NII, Tokyo,
Japan. (Jun. 2008 - Sep 2008) |
Internship in distributed model checking for formal
verification of critical codes at the LIP6, Paris,
France. (Mar. 2008 - May 2008) |
Outreach Activities and Public Dissemination |
Once a month I present a topic about computing technology on a
program on the Altraradio Radio station, Spain. (2020-2021) |
Presenting the talk "Blockchain and applications" at the
Reshaping Science event organized by the Societat Catalana Nanociència i Nanotecnologia
Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2021) |
Explain about errors in supercomputer induced by cosmic rays
on the article "Cosmic challenge: protecting supercomputers from an
extraterrestrial threat". (Jul. 2021) |
Explain about cryptocurrency energy consumption on newspaper
article, El Periodico "Bitcóin y las criptomonedas consumen más
energía que países enteros", Spain. (Mar. 2021) |
Presenting the talk "Blockchain : Virtual Chains for real Freedom"
at the Impact Africa Network from Kenya, Virtual. (Mar. 2021) |
Participation at the Argonne National Laboratory Postdoc
Symposium Academic Career Panel, Virtual. (Nov. 2020) |
Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during
the Open Barcelona festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2019) |
Presenting the talk "Blockchain : Virtual Chains for real Freedom"
at the Science Festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2019) |
Presenting the talk "Blockchain : Virtual chains for real freedom"
at the Pint of Science, Barcelona, Spain. (May. 2019) |
Presenting the talk "Learning about Ethereum Sharding"
at the Devcentralised Meetup, Barcelona, Spain. (Nov. 2018) |
Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during
the Open Barcelona festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2018) |
Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during
the EuroMPI Conference, Barcelona, Spain. (Sep. 2018) |
Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD"
at the CONACyT-Catalunya Symposium, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2018) |
Presenting the talk "What happens when supercomputers get sick"
at the Science Festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Jun. 2018) |
Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD"
at the HiPEAC PhD Symposium, Gottenburg, Sweden. (May. 2018) |
Presenting the talk "What happens when supercomputers get sick"
at the Pint of Science, Barcelona, Spain. (May. 2018) |
Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD"
at the PhD Symposium at BSC, Barcelona, Spain. (May. 2018) |
Presenting the talk "How to get rich by doing a PhD"
at the Career Day at BSC, Barcelona, Spain. (Feb. 2018) |
Present and explain the supercomputer Marenostrum 4 during
the Open Barcelona festival, Barcelona, Spain. (Oct. 2017) |
Presenting the talk "Supercomputers and high-performance Computing"
to Undergraduate Students at Centroamerica University, Managua, Nicaragua. (Aug. 2015) |
Talking about Supercomputers and high-performance Computing
on the TV show "Esta Noche", Nicaragua. (Aug. 2015) |
Languages |
Native (Teaching Experience) |
Fluent (DELF, DALF, DEUG) |
Fluent (IELTS 8.0 - C1) |
Intermediate (JLPT N5, JLPT N4) |
Other Unrelated Skills |
Licensed Private Pilot (About 50 flight hours). |
IronMan 70.3 (Barcelona 2022, 2023). |
Licensed Recreational Boat Skipper in Spain (PER). |
Licenced (PADI) Open Water Diver (OWD). |
Olympic Triathlon (Chicago 2013, 2014, 2015,
Barcelona 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) Sprint Triathlon (Barcelona 2021). |
Certified Emergency First Responder. |